About Pogo Mediation

About Pogo Mediation

We provide specialist mediation and conflict resolution services to organisations with a primary focus on (but not limited to) workplace mediation.

Successful workplace meditation improves productivity and reduces attrition, by creating a safe, confidential alternative to traditional internal procedures which leave management and employees feeling they have no control of the situation.

By avoiding time-consuming grievance procedures and employment tribunal litigation, organisations can avoid costs such as litigation, recruitment and re-training, as well as the hidden cost of loss of skills, trust and innovation.

We are known for our insight into people, and our ability to soothe people when agitated or frustrated.

As a company we look to develop and cultivate the potential in others, with a creative mind towards problem solving.

  1. One person to speak at a time
  2. What is said stays in the room
  3. Respect each other
  4. No name calling
  5. No abusive language
  6. Anyone can ask for a time out
  7. Anyone can ask for a private side meeting if required.

As an independent external mediator we can add value where:

  • Employees are unwilling to mediate with an internal mediator

  • The matter is sensitive or confidential

  • The matter involves senior members of staff

  • Formal proceedings have been threatened

  • An internal mediator is conflicted

In addition to offering mediation, we also have over 15 years’ experience as investigators working within existing ethics and compliance programs for large corporate organisations, and can provide additional services related to conflict resolution, such as HR support for internal grievance investigations or investigations related to conflicts of interest, bullying, harassment etc.

“If we manage conflict constructively, we harness its energy for creativity and development.”

Kenneth Kaye